Jesus has given pastors as gifts to lead, feed, and protect the church. These are the men our congregation has recognized as elders. We understand the Scriptures to use three different works to refer to the same office in the local church: elders, pastors, or overseers.
Staff Pastors:
Chris Disch
Chris grew up in Garland, TX. At the age of 8 years old, through the faithful ministry of his parents and local church, the Lord saved Him. In 2006, he received his undergraduate degree in Sociology at the University of North Texas in Denton, Texas. He moved to Graham, TX, in 2008 to join the staff of Graham Bible Church, where he led music and admin. The following year, he married his wife, Rebekah. He completed his M.A. in Cross-Cultural Ministry in 2012, and in 2015, Chris & Rebekah, moved to Alexandria, Virginia, where Chris became a Pastoral Intern at Del Ray Baptist Church and where he now serves as an Associate Pastor, overseeing music, community groups, and international partnerships, among other things. He enjoys spending time with Rebekah, woodworking, music, sports, and being outdoors.
Ben Hamilton
Ben was born and raised in Bloomsburg, PA. He was raised in a Christian home and came to know the Lord at a young age. He went on to received degrees from Houghton College, Bloomsburg University, and Nova Southeastern University. In 2002, Ben married his high school sweetheart, Jill, and they now have three daughters, Rachel, Naomi, and Haylee, and a son, Alex. When Ben and Jill moved to D.C., they did not anticipate being in the area for more than a year…that was in 2004. Ben and Jill stayed in large part to grow through the preaching/teaching at CHBC, and they have remained in the area to see God’s work at DRBC. Ben enjoys spending time with his family and playing (or watching) just about any sport.
Garrett Kell
Garrett Kell did his undergrad at Virginia Tech where he came to know the Lord through the witness of a friend. Garrett served as the evangelism pastor at Denton Bible Church in Denton, TX while earning his ThM from Dallas Theological Seminary. He then served as a pastor with Graham Bible Church in Graham, TX for seven years. He later spent time on staff with Capitol Hill Baptist Church who helped place him with Del Ray Baptist Church where he has served as a Pastor since 2012. He is married to Carrie and together they have six children. Garrett enjoys hanging out with his family, watching sports, fishing, and exercising so he can eat whatever he wants.
Jason Seville
Jason earned his undergraduate degree from West Virginia University (MA, History), where he was also a member of the WVU Wrestling team and an active member in Cru. After university, he spent two years involved in some pioneering missions work in East Asia before moving to north Texas for further theological education. Jason served as the Associate Director for Denton Bible Church’s ministry to senior adults for four years while earning his masters degree from Dallas Theological Seminary (Th.M., Historical Theology & World Missions). After seminary the Sevilles moved to Memphis, TN where Jason was on staff with Downline Ministries for four years, and then to Shanghai, China for six years, where Jason served as the senior pastor of Shanghai International Bible Church. Jason is married to Kim–a graduate of JMU and DTS (MA in Psychology & MABC, respectively)–and they have five children (Sydney, Sophie, Hannah, Hayden, and Shepherd).
Non-Staff Pastors:
Danny Falcone
Danny grew up in Orlando, FL, but was born in New York and stayed there just long enough to become an over-the-top Yankees fan. He attended the University of Florida to pursue a business degree. While there, the Lord saved him through the faithful witness of a high school friend. It altered the course of his life. After college, he went through a men’s disciple program at Denton Bible Church where he later served on staff. He’s had various ministry and business roles in rural, suburban, urban, and inner city contexts, including extended time overseas. Danny graduated with a Master of Arts in Religion degree from Redeemer/Reformed Theological Seminary in Dallas with an emphasis in biblical counseling. He moved to Alexandria to take on his current role as a Regional President for a non-profit organization called Apartment Life. Danny has an amazing wife and three incredible kids who joyfully take up most of his free time outside of work. His other hobbies include sports, reading, beaches, and scouring Yelp for really good restaurants.
Justin Hughes
Justin grew up right here in Alexandria, VA in a Christian home. He heard and believed the gospel at a young age and was baptized at First Baptist Church Alexandria. He attended Wake Forest University for college followed by VCU for dental school where he met his wife Laura. They journeyed up to NYC and then out to Iowa for residency and finally returned back home to Alexandria where Justin practices orthodontics with his dad. Justin and Laura are so thankful for the faithful preaching and loving community of believers at DRBC. In his spare time, Justin enjoys the outdoors, sports, coffee, powerlifting, and spending time with family and friends.
Dan Mackett
Dan was born and raised in Wisconsin with parents who loved and served the Lord. Dan came to know the Lord at a young age but deeply struggled to walk in the Spirit in middle school and high school. As he started attending the University of Wisconsin, God started drawing him into closer fellowship with Himself through various trials and difficulties. Halfway through freshman year, he joined Cru (a Christian ministry on campus) where he started growing in the Lord through discipleship, community, and faithful brothers in Christ. Ever since, God has used many faithful believers to pour into Dan and help him live out the gospel in all areas of life. He graduated in May of 2015 with Marketing and Supply Chain Management degrees. He served with a management consulting firm in Chicago/Madison for 2 years and then transitioned into his current role of leading the College Program at International Justice Mission. Dan and his wife, Alyssa, moved to Virginia in May of 2017, and joined DRBC in August 2017.
Cody Montgomery
Cody was born in Boulder, Colorado and came to trust in Jesus Christ, by God’s grace, at an early age through the witness of his parents. He attended Dallas Baptist University for undergrad, playing baseball there and ultimately receiving a degree in communications. During his time at DBU, he met his wife, Brittany. After working in North Texas in a variety of roles, he and Brittany moved their family to the DC area in 2017 to begin working in a global non-profit organization where he works today. Cody and Brittany were married in 2008 and have been blessed with three beautiful daughters. Cody enjoys spending time with his family, fly-fishing and being outside whenever he can.
Eric Pelletier
Born and raised in upstate New York in a largely Christian home, Eric came to faith at an early age. He received his degree in economics and political science from Eastern University and came to Washington, D.C. in 1992 to briefly work for his local congressman and the Lord has kept him in the area ever since. He met his wife Shelly at Capitol Hill Baptist Church where they were members and where he served as an elder. They helped in a church revitalization and church plant in VA where Eric also served as an elder at Grace Baptist Church of Arlington and at Arlington Baptist Church. After serving in government and as a corporate executive, Eric now leads global government affairs for a worldwide technology company. He and Shelly live in Arlington and are the parents of three grown children and their three wonderful spouses and proud grandparents of three precious little boys.
Dave Sutton
Dave grew up in Lower Burrell, PA (just outside of Pittsburgh) in a loving Christian family where he was taught the gospel and came to believe at an early age. After graduating from the U.S. Air Force Academy in 1992 and finishing pilot training a year later, he married his wonderful wife Shannon. Air Force life took them to numerous churches, to include in Germany, Finland, and India, where they were able to both serve and learn. Since retiring from the military in 2013, Dave has lived in Northern Virginia and served in the local church while working in the defense industry. He and Shannon have three wonderful children.
Bryson Thomas
Bryson was born and raised in Chicago, IL. He was raised in a Christian home and, by God’s grace, placed his trust in Jesus as Lord and Savior at a young age. While at Purdue University, Bryson married Lexie and they now have two daughters, Norah and Lucy, and two sons, William and Henry. After Purdue, Bryson served in the US Air Force for fourteen years, during which a short time in the DMV allowed for Bryson and Lexie to be blessed by the preaching, teaching, and saints of DRBC. He transitioned to the USAF Reserves and returned to DRBC in 2022. Currently, Bryson is finishing a Master of Divinity degree from The Southern Baptist Theological Seminary. He desires to serve DRBC well and, Lord willing, plant a church in the future.