If this is your first time visiting us, we’d like to welcome you. If you’d like to hear more about joining our church or if we can pray more specifically for you, please click the button below to fill out a visitor card online.

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We are located at 2405 Russell Road in Alexandria, VA. Our main service starts at 10:15am on Sunday mornings. Below, we’ve answered a few questions that visitors tend to have when looking for a church home.

What are your services like?

Our services tend to be pretty simple.
• We pray, because we believe that God is our provider and that He desires us to seek after Him.
• We sing, because God is worthy of our praise.
• We preach God’s Word, because we believe that God gives life through His Scriptures.
• We proclaim the gospel, because it is the message of salvation for those who don’t know God and the message of strength for those who do know Him.
• We talk a lot about Jesus, because He is the only hope for the world.

What style of music should I expect?

We believe the music we sing should be Christ-exalting, God-glorifying, and Scripture-saturated. We use instruments to encourage the congregation to lift their voices to Jesus with freedom and joy. We also believe that there are many songs from various times in history that both honor God and build up the church. In light of this, it isn’t uncommon to hear a song from the 1600s in the same set with a song from 2019.

What should I wear when I come?

You’ll find all kinds of people wearing all kinds of different clothing. As long as you’re honoring the Lord with what you’ve got on, we don’t care if you’re wearing shorts or suits. The Lord is most concerned with the heart, not your attire.

What should I do with my children?

Parents are welcome to keep their children in the service with them, and many families choose to do this. We also offer children’s ministry during the Equipping Hour (9:00am, nursery-6th grade), and during the Main Service for children ages 4 years old and under.

What does it mean to be a Baptist church?

While being a Baptist church can have lots of stereotypes attached with it, we trust you’ll find we are a Bible-teaching, Gospel-centered, Christ-exalting, God-glorifying church that believes baptism is for people who repent of their sins and trust in Christ.

Please visit Our Location and Our Services for more information.