FALL 2021


CLASS 1 | Foundations: Section 2 | (chapel)

Date Topic Teacher
2021-09-05 The Fall Ben Robin
2021-09-12 The Effects of the Fall Dan Mackett
2021-09-19 Original Sin Ben Robin
2021-09-26 The Doctrine of Redemption Bill Deckert
2021-10-03 The Doctrine of Reconciliation Bill Deckert
2021-10-10 The Covenants of Promise in the OT Ben Robin
2021-10-17 The New Covenant of Grace in the NT Ben Robin
2021-10-24 The Continuity of the Law Josh Hart
2021-10-31 Jesus, the Lord and Christ Chris Disch
2021-11-07 Jesus, The God-Man, Pt. 1: Incarnation Brett Lewis
2021-11-14 Jesus, The God-Man, Pt. 2: Hypostatic Union Brett Lewis
2021-11-21 Jesus, The Prophet Chris Disch
2021-11-28 Jesus, The Priest Eric Butterbaugh
2021-12-05 Jesus, The Atonement Cody Montgomery
2021-12-12 Jesus, The Substitute Mark Butman
2021-12-19 Jesus, The Victor Dan Mackett



CLASS 2 | Evangelism | (room 303)

Date Topic Teacher
2021-09-05 The God Who Saves (Ezek. 34:11, Luke. 19:10) Garrett Kell
2021-09-12 The Gospel of God (Rom. 1:16-17; 1 Cor. 15:1-3; Rom. 6) Ben Robin
2021-09-19 NO CLASS
2021-09-26 Prayer and Evangelism (Col. 4:1-2; Rom. 9:1-3, 10:1) Garrett Kell
2021-10-03 Proclaiming and Portraying the Gospel (1 Peter 2:11-12; Matthew 5:16) Ben Brophy
2021-10-10 Starting Conversations (Acts 17:16-31; John 4) Jason Seville
2021-10-17 Evangelism in the Family (Deut. 6:4-7; 1 Cor. 7:14-16) Ben Brophy
2021-10-24 Evangelism and the Church (Acts 2:38-42) Ben Robin
2021-10-31 Evangelizing Neighbors (Acts 17:26-27, Luke 10:25-27) Danny Falcone
2021-11-07 Hospitality and Evangelism Bill Deckert
2021-11-14 Evangelism and Spiritual Warfare (Ephesians 6:11-12) Joey Guikema
2021-11-21 NO CLASS
2021-11-28 Evangelizing While Traveling (Acts 8:26-40) Dan Mackett
2021-12-05 Urgency and Patience (2 Timothy 2:22-26) Garrett Kell
2021-12-12 Killers of Evangelism; Distraction, Dread, Discredit, Discouragement Bill Deckert
2021-12-19 NO CLASS



CLASS 3 | Finance (Sept 5 – Oct 10) | Parenting (Oct 17 – Dec 19) | (modular room #1)

Date Topic Teacher
2021-09-05 Financial Foundations: Delights & Dangers with God’s Resources Patrick Traylor
2021-09-12 A Spirit of Stewardship & the Wisdom & Implementation of Budgets Patrick Traylor
2021-09-19 Giving, Part 1: A Heart of Generosity Eric Pelletier
2021-09-26 Giving, Part 2: A Theology of Tithing Eric Pelletier
2021-10-03 Spending and Debt Jerry Liang
2021-10-10 Earning, Saving, and Investing Jerry Liang
2021-10-17 A Biblical Vision for the Family Bill Deckert
2021-10-24 Redeeming the Time: Principles for a Work-Life Balance Eric Butterbaugh
2021-10-31 Repenting Well: Sins Common to Parents Cody Montgomery
2021-11-07 Parenting, Obedience, and the Heart Brian Davis
2021-11-14 Parenting and Intentional Instruction Dave Sutton
2021-11-21 Parenting and Discipline Jason Seville
2021-11-28 Parenting in the Teen Years Mercury Payton
2021-12-05 Technology and the Family Josh Hart
2021-12-12 Family Culture: Mission, Rhythms, and Memories Jason Seville
2021-12-19 Family Worship Brian Davis